Monday, November 22, 2010

News, and Deadly Hallows

First of, I hope all of you have safe holiday travel if you are traveling!

Second, an entry I have for Pitch of the Lamb along with other ideas for Mysteries are here at

Finally, after the jump there's a field report from Rhonda on the New Harry Potter movie.  Definitely worth a look!


In my opinion this movie is the truest to the book in the whole lot. If you are not a follower of the Harry Potter series the characters and circumstances are too numerous to list. This first installment in book seven of the series is grim. You know death is coming to certain characters, but when it does come it burns a whole in your heart. To me the characters in this series feel a part of my family.

Voldemort and his counterparts has to be stopped. He and Harry are connected in so many ways, one of the most amazing is through their minds. Harry can see strategic images of the evil Voldemort is creating through dreams and revelations.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron go on a journey to find Horcruxes - the key to Voldemort's immortality. Voldemort has somehow split his soul into seven pieces. Each piece within different objects are Horcruxes. This trio must find and destroy the items to destroy "He who must not be named."

They have advantages from their various attributes and from the smartest witch of their age, Hermione. One without the other three cannot survive. They flit from one location to another hunting for the horcruxes. Sometimes successful sometimes not. Running into Voldemort's army and eluding capture by the skin of their teeth. Another piece of the puzzle comes when they find the secret of the "Deathly Hallows."

So, dear readers, go-go-go and watch this installment of Harry Potter. You will not be disappointed.

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