Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Hotel Transylvania

Well, the jokes here are a little older than Dracula.  It's the same type of jokes that were the staples of the Aadams Family or the Munsters.  The difference is that the monsters at this point actively fear humanity to the point where Dracula makes a mighty fortress to keep everything human away from his daughter.  Since it worked for decades you can't really call it a bad plan, the trouble is that little girls (even of the vampiric persuasion) grow up and want out from under Daddy.  Add to that a human drifter who has accidently stumbled into the Hotel and you have a recipe for comic disaster.

It's not a bad kid's film by any means.  Sandler is actually fun, the other voice work is good and the animation smooth and spooky.  The music is a bit pop for me (why do even monsters do auto tune) but I sort of dug "You're my zing."

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