Monday, August 30, 2010

Nova Bleu 6ix

Nova Bleu 6ix is blues shifting around. Singing the sad songs that get her across the unaddressed universe. Nova Bleu 6ix dated a Green Lantern but never got a ring. Nova Bleu 6ix also went out with Jonny Nova but that ended when she found him trysting with a Quasar named DaisZ. Nova Bleu 6ix is unlucky at love and doesn't know what cards are. So she sings the sad songs that get her across the unaddressed universe.


  1. Wonderful artwork and nice writing to accompany!

    I like the way she has almost a winglike spread of hands across her breast and face, thumbs meeting at the neck. Would make a fab tie dye shirt!

    I'd like to travel the universe on a wing and a song...if I could sing, I'd get further, I'm sure!

  2. Everyone would go farther singing. Even with the voice of crows.
