Saturday, October 16, 2010

Last night on Sym-bionic-titan

This was one of the more comedic episodes so far.  A wink and a nudge to the "Fast and Furious" films our hero Lance falls in car love.  Unfortunately, he has raised the ire of the White Dragon who has the most bitchin' car ever.  Also, the Princess insists that Lance gets a driver license.  These twin problems combine as he gets seriously vehicularly harassed by the White Dragon in the middle of his driver's test.  This was all great fun and you can see our cast getting more accustomed to earth ways.  They even find things they like.  It was amusing that Newton the robot truly loves Popsicles.  The show just keeps growing on me even on "throwaway episodes like this.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes the best episodes are the 'throw away' ones. No need to worry about plot continuance and other worrisome things....
