Sunday, May 1, 2011

120 Things I Love About Movies Part III

The list continues after the jump.  Hey, and don't be afraid to tell me the things you like!

41.  KHAAN!

42.  Any scene between Bob Hope and Bing Crosby

43.  Christopher Walken's watch speech in "Pulp Fiction."
44.  Really good, insightful DVD commentaries full of history
45.  Any Willy Wonka blow off line
46.  The stone has a power...from "The Rats of Nihm."
47.  The Ice Skating scene in "The Bishop's Wife."

48.  Going up that mountain in "The Long, long trailer."
49.  The beginning of "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World."
50.  Transparent Aluminium in Star Trek IV (Mostly cause we now have INVENTED IT!!)  Thanks Scotty!
51.  Bruce's speech in "Enter the Dragon."

52.  Beginning of "Feast."
53.  Johnny in "Airplane."

54.  The rock section of "Bedazzled."

55.  The Montage of "The Parallex View."

56.  I must speak with the dolphins now
57.  The kiss of death in "God Father II"
58.   Ice Skating in "Real Genius"

59.  Beginning of "Summer War"
60.  Call it friendo in "No Country For Old Men."

1 comment:

  1. You can actually like something in No Country for Old Men?!?! Wow, color me impressed!

    Nice Hudson Hawk reference, of course I like the 'witty repartee' line! (the whole movie is brilliant!)

    I like Chris Walken's reaction when Dennis Hopper is giving the 'How Sicilian's get their color' speech in True Romance.

    In total agreement about the beginning of Feast!
