Saturday, February 5, 2011

Good News Said the Professor

Wow!  Just super wow.  Folks, for some strange reason Ivanland has bestowed upon me this rather stylish prize: 

I just want to say thank you, and I'm glad someone is enjoying the madness.  It doesn't end there though, I am now charged with awarding this goodie to other far more deserving blogs.  So here goes... in no particular order...

Polite Dissent:  Here's a blog that merges reality with fiction with the results usually being a 3 car pile up. 

Tywkiwdbi:  Here's someone just far smarter than the average bear.

Siskoid's Blog of Geekery:  Title says it all.  The man knows more about The Outsiders than any mortal should.

Calvin's Canadian Cave of Cool:  More Cool here than an ice age.

Grognardia:  Old school roleplaying at its finest

Final Girl:  The Last Word in Final Girls

Random Ramblings of a Demented Doorknob:  Might be Random but are mightily fun

Thank you all and enjoy your prizes!



  1. Thanks Laz! I can't believe I'm being praised for my Outsiders "work" though. People should not take this to mean I like them!

  2. you should be praised for your entire work, I just picked on the outsiders cause it made me laugh so!

  3. Congratulations Lazarus and subsequent winners!
