Sunday, May 15, 2011

Things I Want: The Luggage or A Bag of Holding

The trouble with stuff is you have to either keep it on you or find someplace to store it. Terry Pratchett's ultimate solution to stuff was the Luggage. Made of sapient pearwood, the Luggage followed its master on hundreds of little feet. It was far bigger on the inside than the outside and it was rather vicious when dealing with thieves, surly staff, and anyone eyeballing it.

As neat as the Luggage is, it's a bit too willful for me. But that doesn't mean I would have to do without a convenient form of storage. Luckily Dungeons & Dragons comes with the handy Bag of Holding. It's simplicity itself, merely stick something in it, and when you want it back merely rummage around till you find it. It's probably best not to put something in it that you need at a moment's notice. Also, it's highly recommended you do not put a Bag of Holding inside a Bag of Holding.

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