I've been catching reviews of this for months and good or bad each review has made me want to see this incredible film. I can appreciate high art, I can appreciate the subtle drama. But at heart, I like my films big and stupid. I want the guiding principle to be "over the top." I want "Big Trouble in Little China," I want "Buckaroo Banzai," I want "Robocop," and I want "Bitch Slap."
I want "Drive Angry."
I am happy to say I was not disappointed. Nick Cage is our hero, or perhaps anti hero is a better term. He's escaped from hell because a bunch of funky satanist plans to sacrifice his daughter. He hooks up with Amber Heard who's a hot chick with a muscle car, and they are off to the races. Ol' Nick is being followed by the Accountant from Hell played by William Fictner, and that's all the plot you need buckaroos. Just cinch up and settle down to watch cars and guns go boom boom.
Now Nick Cage has chosen to act the whole thing in mono mode. Actually this is a smart play as it helps anchor the craziness. Also it helps sell lines that would have just been spittle richness if Cage was in his manic mode. Really, you have to underplay a line like, "I never disrobe before a gun battle." Specially if you are saying this line as you are drinking Jack Daniels and having hot sex. I have seen heroes drink, have sex, and kill bad guys, but I don't recall seeing anyone else do it AT THE SAME TIME.
William Fictner is clearly called upon the spirit of Christopher Walken for his performance as the Accountant. There's just no way to describe how is choice of missing a beat here or changing emphasis there turns lines into pure gold. He plays the Accountant of Hell both cool and bemused. Humans are clearly more evil than any devil and he knows it. He actually likes Nick Cage, but a jobs a job and what are you going to do?
Again, watch this film. Watch it in large groups if you can. Enjoy!
Lazarus, this sounds like exactly like my kind of flick. I'm gonna give it a watch.