Monday, March 14, 2011

Films I would remake: Fantastic Voyage

Fantastic Voyage is a great film. I mean it has Racquel Welch and Donald Pleasance in it, and you can't beat that in a stick. It was the most expensive science fiction film of its time, and it's currently being in pre production for a remake.

So what's wrong with it?


Croenberg had problems with the science of the original "The Fly," and I have to admit the science of "Fantastic Voyage" bothers me to no end. Shrinking sounds cool, but in reality it just can't work. Look if you shrink someone you have to do something with all those extra atoms/mass. If you say they just go away you have the problem of operating a human brain on just a fraction of the brain matter usually used. Also, how do you get the mass back when you grow. If you are compacting atom well then you are small but at the same mass. Some how I don't think a 200 pound microbe is going to help inside any human being. If you are somehow making the atoms smaller then how can they interact with the conventional work and like breath the same air?

It's all just a mess. Still there is a real world solution that's not too far off science wise. Just use the same technology we use for drones blowing folks up in the Mideast and shrink it down. Now there is now regrowing issues or anything like that.

The problem is of course connecting the danger with the heroes. With microdrones they are not directly involved. You'll have to rewrite the threat to a more cerebral level. Make it a chess game between our hero and their microdrones, and the enemy and their own micro drones. Anyway that's my idea.

1 comment:

  1. Would that we had the where-with-all to do as we please with the flicks.
