Monday, September 6, 2010

Martian Cheese Hives

Martian Cheese Hives are a rather recent discovery. None has been found above five hundred feet below the ground. In the deep sacred grottos of the Old Martians one can find gallery after gallery of cheese hive. Each hive has its own unique bacteria that break down organic matter into oxygen, a rather nasty smelling cheese like substance stuffed with vitamins, hard black waste crystals and a reddish stain that is full of psychoactive drugs. Obviously the Old Martians used the cheese hives as the ultimate in recycling. The New Martians from earth are beginning to learn their secrets and are coaxing the old hives back to full life again.


  1. I like how richly textured this piece is. Lots of depth and vibrant color!
    Glad the 'newbies' are trying to reuse what worked so well before they got there!

  2. here on earth there are many watering holes in the middle east still of use, but were once the property of babylon.
